Unité Académique de l'ISH

Création 06/07/20

Catégorie issue de la catégorie "FLLASH"

Image du cours English Applied to Economy
Lettres - Langues - Arts

This course is aimed for students following the English applied to Economics course given by M. Esparza Jr. In this course, we shall explore the beginnings of modern globalization and its impact towards facilitating and creating certain paradigms in the global economy. Students are tasked to write a final report which focuses on the role of one major country as an individual actor in the global ecosystem. The course requires students to think critically about these issues and, of course, present them in English. 

Image du cours Arts Plastiques - Anglais
Lettres - Langues - Arts

This course is intended for students enrolled in the Licence Arts Plastiques section undergoing an English training. The course aims  to provide students in the Arts with a theoretical and practical background with expression and comprehension in English necessary to acquire jobs in the creative and international markets. We will discuss important questions related to the arts including "What is art?" and "What purpose does art serve?" 

Image du cours Nouveaux médias, dispositifs et médiations
Lettres - Langues - Arts

Théorie et pratique autour des nouvelles formes de médiations liées à l’usage d’espaces numériques : Mondes Virtuels, Réalité Virtuelle, Réalité Augmentée, Réalité Mixte.

Cours donné par Rémi Sagot-Duvauroux.